Owners of pets affected by vestibular disease know how difficult it is to feed them. Most pups with this syndrome stumble, circle, tilt the head and even collapse as the condition affects balance and stability.
Not only does the dog with this disease struggle to keep its head steady while eating but also experiences sickness from nausea and dizziness and avoids eating and drinking. This is also commonly referred to as the old dog vestibular syndrome.
In this guide, let us try to understand how dog owners can feed a dog with vestibular disease easily and ensure a speedy recovery.
How To Feed A Dog With Vestibular Disease?
While the exact cause of the vestibular disease is not known, it is more commonly seen in senior dogs.
The affected pet loses its sense of balance and experiences a sensation of leaning, rolling, or falling even when it is standing still.
The pup might tilt its head, lean on one side, circle, wobble, and vomit. Though these symptoms can go in about 3-4 days, they might persist for longer up to weeks.
It is important to help the dog eat and drink and feel comfortable when it is experiencing the symptoms. Most dogs with vestibular disease turn away from food due to nausea and the inability to hold the balance to eat.
However, there are some simple changes you can make to the pet’s routine to make it easy for it to eat and drink. Your vet should prescribe medicines that help reduce vomiting and nausea.
Dog With Vestibular Disease Not Eating? Here’s What To Do
It is quite common for a dog with the vestibular disease to deny eating. You should avoid offering the canine food and drink if it vomits continuously and finds it difficult to hold its head upright.
It is best to wait till its condition improves rather than risking it with choking or aspiration pneumonia.
While it is completely fine for the pup to go without food for a few days, you can try a few simple tips to make it easy for it to get comfortable and eat.
Give the right support while standing and lying down
When suffering from vestibular syndrome, a pet feels comfortable when supported at the back as it lies down. It is best to position it against a solid surface like a wall to support its pelvis and back. This should help reduce the chances of falling or rolling when trying to eat.
You can also use rolled towel, pillow, or bolstered bed to keep it supported when sitting. If it wants to stand while eating, you can provide a place where it can lean against and find comfort.
Provide good traction
Consider putting the pup on a slip-free surface to be stable while eating and drinking. Place a rug or yoga mat to provide traction and avoid using blankets or towels on the floor that could slide under its feet.
Offer attractive foods
Avoid introducing any new food to the pup during its recovery period and instead try to make its regular food more attractive and palatable by adding chicken broth or water to it.
You can also make balls out of canned meat to simplify hand-feeding the pet in its early recovery days.
Home Treatment For Vestibular Disease In Dogs
Pet owners are likely to get threatened to see the quick onset of symptoms, but it is important to stay calm and avoid panicking. The pup becomes dizzy and finds it difficult to hold balance; you can help it lie down and offer water.
Avoid giving it any food for about 12-24 hours to prevent vomiting. Schedule a visit to the vet to get its condition assessed.
A canine affected by vestibular disease generally starts recovering in about a week. However, you should provide essential supplements to ensure it has a speedy and good recovery.
Consider using medications for pain and nausea to help the pooch combat spinning and vomiting. These medicines are available in tablet and injectable forms and are quite effective at controlling nausea and encouraging the pups to eat.
Natural Remedies For Vestibular Disease In Dogs
One of the best ways to prevent vestibular disease in your aging pup is to give it a nutritious diet.
As the dog’s body starts becoming less functional with age, feeding it a homemade diet with added supplements helps increase its lifespan and keeps it protected against such health complications.
A dog develops a high risk of another episode of the vestibular disease once it has been affected by it. While no treatment guarantees preventing future occurrence, dog owners can try supplementing the pup’s diet with omega 3 to help its body heal and regenerate.
You can also give it a daily dose of high-quality vitamin and mineral supplements to ensure all its systems and organs function well.
Another remedy for vestibular disease treatment and prevention is to engage the pup in acupuncture, physiotherapy, chiropractic, or massage therapy on a regular basis.
Bodywork helps the pup maintain its physical strength and make a big difference in its longevity, long-term health, and prevention of vestibular syndrome.
Can Old Dogs Recover From Vestibular Disease?
This health condition is commonly found in older dogs. While the exact cause for Vestibular disease is not identified, the canine is likely to recover completely in a short time with proper treatment and care.
Though it is not life-threatening, it is best to consult a vet as soon as you see the symptoms. The veterinarian can tell whether it is a stroke or vestibular disease and suggest the best treatment option.
The vet should prescribe medicines that help deal with nausea and dizziness though the pet experiences symptoms for a few days.
My dog is recovering from vestibular disease (affects balance) and he has a permanent head tilt from it. Now every time he perks up to stare at me, he has a sassy “whachu say, bich?” look on his face. pic.twitter.com/Fcw8g1OPMw
— Ben Diskin (@BenjaminDiskin) August 28, 2018
The dog gets nauseous and may refuse to eat which is perfectly normal in this condition. However, you should ensure it stays hydrated all the time. The pet should recover in a few days though it can take up to 2 weeks in many cases.
See that you pay a second visit to the vet during the recovery period to ensure there is no complication. Before the symptoms clear up, you may have to help the pup go outside and keep it comfortable.
Also, make sure it stays away from stairs, furniture, and anything that demands balance; it could fall and get injured. As the pet is in trauma, it is best to spend time with it and comfort it as much as you can.
Final Thoughts
Vestibular disease, though uncomfortable and scary, is not life-threatening as long as a pet gets proper care during recovery. While it is normal to feel helpless as your pooch stumbles around, you should try to ensure it gets the right nutrition.
As a dog owner, you can work with your dog patiently to help it figure out how to eat, drink and walk. With a few simple tips, you can easily feed a pet with vestibular disease and get it through the difficult time.